[May 2022] Calvin, our new summer internship student!
[May 2022] New project investigating the thermal ecology of Lantau rocky shores!
[Apr 2022] Why are ‘suboptimal’ temperatures preferred in a tropical intertidal ectotherm?
[Mar 2022] Alex has joined the team!
[Mar 2022] Are all ecosystem engineers equal?
[Mar 2022] Rocky shore biodiversity ECF: the third season done, one more to go!
[Jan 2022] Yifei received the best student presentation award
[Dec 2021] Martin arrived New Zealand for his PhD programme (finally!)
[Dec 2021] Dr. Sarah Lau's and Saumya's graduation ceremony
[Nov 2021] Rocky shore biodiversity ECF project — the second dry season survey has started
[Sep 2021] All the best on your study, Sheena!
[Aug 2021] New members in the ECF Team!
[Jul 2021] SWIMS is re-opening!
[May 2021] We thank Yvonne for her contribution to the GIS website for our biodiversity project
[May 2021] Jon, our new Summer intern!
[May 2021] ECF Rocky shore BioBlitz trials!
[Apr 2021] Virtual UCAS 2021
[Apr 2021] Sampling Starfish Bay rocky shores with WFLC school
[Mar 2021] How snails choose their mates?
[Mar 2021] ECF project's first Winter survey done!